Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Life, death and in between....

A lot of people have been asking me or secretly wondering (don't be shy) why I haven't been blogging lately. Well, I've been quite busy and honestly, I consider lack of frequent blog posts to be a good sign. Why? Because I'm experiencing so much in life each and every day that I don't have the time to stop and type about things happening around me. Makes sense, right? But I'm back! For now. 
We all have our opinions and views of spirituality, religion, life, death, etc. Some of us may not bother to think about it, some may not want to share if we think about it, but no matter what kind of a person you are, you DO have a view. Totally human.
My own views on spirituality have changed, or may I say, have grown drastically in the past few years. And truthfully, I am glad. A lot of books, experiences and people are responsible for this personal growth. Somehow I tend to believe that our belief on spirituality is a guiding factor to the person we are or will be, if you continue to grow.

My spiritual beliefs have got me to a very positive time in life today. And one of those issues that I too had trouble facing in the past has now faded away. I am talking about death. A friend's friend passed on today. I say passed "on" and not "away" very consciously. You may not care about what my spiritual beliefs are but the minute I hear about someone passing on, I realize how my spiritual views have changed my entire outlook.
For instance, I don’t believe death is bad or unfortunate in any way. In fact I think we move ON to a better place, hopefully (your karma will tell you when it's time). We are all here only for a purpose. But somehow over time, lost in the society and materialism, we forget what we were really here to do. To fulfil our karma as the Vedas and many other spiritual texts say; this explains why it is better to move on, from this life to whatever lies ahead.

We are here to do ‘some’thing right? Sounds just like an examination to me. So like you finish the exam and move on to another grade, you finish the test of life and move on to a higher grade. (Is that how they figured how to create classes and run schools? You never know.)
From the above and more, I have deduced that ‘life’ is a very limiting word. It comes with the condition of a start and an end. It’s only applicable to our period on earth but then it does goes on...

Phew… this was heavy, right? But such is ‘life’.

Au revoir,
Miss Bee.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Rain is falling... Bhaagooo...


So Mumbai has been voted as one of the worst cities to live in. No surprises there. Just when we got used to complaining about how little it has been raining since the past few years and how global warming in kicking us right there, it starts to rain more than it did in the monsoon of 2005.
So why is it raining so darn much this year? Here are a few guesses why:

1) The rains are God's remake of Michael Bay's Armageddon and this year he released the trailer for us to see just how awesomely wet next year is going to be. *oui ma*

2) Who in the sunny heaven's name took God out for beer fest last season because it seems to be raining in on us. *politely opens the umbrella*

3) Some pig-tailed kid must have been feeling hot and asked the Sun to play hide-n-seek with him. We can deduce the Sun is winning the game. Sheesh.

So whatever the reason for this last step of the evaporation process is, Dear Zeus, God of Rain with irresistible abs *swoons*, please stop emptying the water stations above. Our lakes and sewage systems are full, our vast pot-holes seem to be over flowing, the 13.78357% Rickshaw wallahs that agreed to ride are also saying no because of the rains; trains are shut, buses are crowded and my lone pair of denim jeans refuse to dry. Why don't you save some for next year? Because maybe when the BMC said we'll be prepared for rains in 2010, they meant in 2012. Hopefully.

For once, I hope it doesn't rain on us. Not so much at the very least.

Au revoir.
Miss Bee.

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