Friday, May 25, 2012

Busy-ness and the park...


I love being busy. No matter how much I crib about the busy-ness, I still love it... it's far better than doing nothing. (Though I love that too...)
However, I have just reached the epitome of being busy, and one of the major reasons is that my favourite person in the world: my 8-year old cousin has come to spend his summer with me. Thanks to this, I am now realizing how inactive my previously busy life was.

I have now also become aware of the power of a child, to make you do everything that you think you were tired for. As days are passing by, I am loving the daily visits to the park, taking him to his summer camp, and everything else, a lot more. It has brought so many new thoughts and perspectives to my thinking.
No 'kid'ding.

Park it: 

The park is one of the best places to observe people. I see kids of all ages, and truckloads of parents and grand-parents too; it being the summer time. The bright, experienced faces of those in the regular group of senior citizens tell how glad they are to be sitting there in the company of friends and talking about years and years of experience and wisdom.

You will also, almost always, spot a bunch of parents discussing summer plans and techniques to keep their kids engaged in the holidays. You might just hear them cribbing about lack of time to take care of kids too; but I always hope that discussion doesn't ever occur. Not in such a positive place.

The park, I have come to realize, is indeed a very happy place. Whether or not you are with someone, it will never fail to give you an experience and a whole lot of positive vibes. Whenever you feel low, take a trip to the park/garden, I suggest. You will forget what you were worried about in the first place. Besides, no psychology book will make you learn what you can by just looking around for a while.

I always knew kids were <insert word better than awesome>; the daily visit to the garden is giving me a new perspective. We make our kids 'learn' so much over time, but they just know about some things already. You see, kids have a cleaner and more unpolluted subconscious mind.

So many times I have come to observe tiny 4-5 year olds getting off the swing to give someone else a chance, or put a supporting hand behind someone who's slipping on the ladder of a slide.
It reminds me so much of the innocence and pure fun we forget about in our lives over years.

So while I am going to put on my shoes and a happy face to go to the park; what are you going to do? 
Think about it.

Au revoir,
Miss Bee.

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"Life is too short to be anything but happy."

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